Physics Modeling and simulation capabilities
Explicit-time integration solver. A predictor-corrector algorithm is used that is based on the trapezoidal integration rule. The solver can maintain the system total energy and momentum with negligible drift over very long simulation times.
Rigid multibody dynamics.
Total rotation matrix relative to the inertial frame to measure the rotation of the rigid bodies. The rotational equations of motion are written in the body frame and solved for the vector of incremental rotation angles.
Joint models. A penalty formulation is used to model joints including: spherical, revolute, cylindrical, and prismatic joints.
Contact model.
A penalty formulation is used to model normal contact. A nonlinear penalty normal contact force can be used that is a nonlinear function of penetration and penetration rate. The formulation can model various types of contacts including Hertzian contact.
Contact surfaces can be general polygonal surfaces; superquadric surfaces or analytical surfaces (such as elliptical cylinder and torus).
Fast hierarchical bounding boxes contact point search for contact search and detection for polygonal surfaces.
Coulomb friction is approximated using an asperity-based model.
Elasto-hydrodynamic (EHD) friction/lubircation model.
Solid finite elements.
Truss and spring elements.
Torsional spring element.
Thin beam element based on the torsional-spring formulation.
Spatial thick beam element based on the lumped parameters formulation.
Triangular and rectangular thin shell elements based on the torsional-spring formulation.
Brick (hexahedral) element based on the natural deformation modes formulation.
Tetrahedral and prismatic elements based on the natural deformation modes formulation.
All elements support:
Large rotations.
Large deformations.
Non-linear stress-strain and stress-rate of strain constitutive materials models for modeling non-linear elastic and visco-elastic materials.
Material failure.
Fluid finite elements.
Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian formulation.
Compressible and incompressible fluids.
Volume-of-fluid method for modeling free surfaces.
Fluid-structure interaction. The solid and fluid equations of motion are solved for a common solid-fluid acceleration at the solid-fluid boundaries.
Discrete element modeling (DEM).
Arbitrary particle geometry and sizes. Particles geometry can be represented using: polygonal surfaces, superquadrics or glued-spheres.
Eulerian search grid for fast contact search and detection.
Inter-particle normal contact force can be specified by the user and can include attractive and repulsive forces.
Coulomb or EHD friction models can be used as the inter-particle tangential contact force.
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH).
PID controllers.
Control laws can be scripted using built-in scripting languages.
Fast hierarchical bounding box based ray-tracing.
Can be used in radiation dose calculation applications and line-of-sight coating application (such as EBPVD coating).
JAVA script.
Python script
Support for parallel processing using CPUs and GPUs.
Integrated graphical pre-processor and post-processor.
Object-oriented architecture.
Hierarchical tree editor.
Near photo-realistic visualization.
Real-time virtual-reality visualization.
Advanced post-processor.
Supports high-end multi-screen immersive stereoscopic virtual-reality facilities.
Scene graph architecture.
Display complex large-scale scientific time-dependent datasets.
Display dynamic finite element simulation results.
Extensive library of visualization objects including.
Geometric primitives (sphere, superquadric, elliptical cylinder, torus, box, cone).
Shading using any scalar field variable (Stresses, strains, internal forces, deformations, etc.).
Static and dynamic arrow vector plots with shading using any vector field.
3-D stream-line & streak-line plots for fluid flow simulations
2-D and 3-D graphs.
Widgets: button, dial, check box and text box.
Includes IVRESS/Player web browser plug-in.
Spatial navigation (fly-through) in the VR environment.
CFD visualization objects.
Vortex cores.
Separation and attachment lines and surfaces.
Surface and volume shading.
Surface and volume arrows and particles.
Elevated surfaces.
Vortex cores.
Separation/attachment lines.
Photorealistic rendering including:
Lights sources.
Data import formats:
VRML 2.0
CFD file formats: PLOT3D
Finite element files: MSC/NASTRAN, MSC/DYTRAN.
Still Images: bmp, jpeg, png, and gif
Data export formats
VRML 2.0
AVI movies.
Visulaization capabilities
IVRESS is a simulation software product that offers users an integrated virtual reality environment. It's an object-oriented VR toolkit that's designed to enable developers to create immersive interactive worlds. While this might sound like a lofty goal, IVRESS comes with an extensive library of prebuilt objects that can make this a much easier task. Convenient selection and manipulation tools give users the freedom to select any spatial and planar areas they wish. Photorealistic rendering features like texture mapping and transparency make it possible to model fairly realistic scenes. Once you've finished building a VR environment with IVRESS, you can use the spatial navigation control to fly through the scene. This means you'll be able to view models from every side. R&D teams that modeled scenes in older software can import VRML 97 and PLTO3D objects instantly. Those who are starting from scratch can take advantage of the flexible multibody dynamics tool. It's ideal for modeling anything with joints, cams, or gears. Other geometric modeling features include boundary representation and a native object-oriented scripting language. Support for finite element objects and CFD visualization make IVRESS a well-rounded program that engineers can use to study fluid and gas interactions. Technicians can draw an object and then run a fluid dynamics test on it. The built-in CFD simulation software will then automatically build a number of visualization objects based on the test, which include:
Vortex Cores
Separation & Attachment Lines
Stream Objects
Volume Shading
Elevated Surfaces
Volume Arrows & Particles
Even if you don't conduct a large-scale CFD study, IVRESS includes a large number of visualizations that should appeal to anyone analyzing scientific data. Dynamic data sets allow you to see how things might change over time when a system is exposed to different forces. IVRESS will automatically shade different surfaces to illustrate stresses, strains, and deformations on a structure. This makes it an attractive option for aerospace engineering teams that need to see how a prototype airframe could stand up to the rigors of flight. Advanced modeling and simulation features include 3D streamline and streakline plots, which can illustrate the flow of a particular fluid across an object. Engineers can create a custom widget or chart from any data set, so you'll be able to easily interpret the results of any simulation you run. IVRESS could even be used to create a virtual training simulator. While IVRESS is designed to run on a custom proprietary platform, it includes a browser plug-in so you can replay scenes on almost any computer. IVRESS is compatible with a large number of input devices, including:
Haptic Gloves
Position-tracking Wands
Head & Body Trackers
2D & 3D Mice
PC Keyboards
Different industries have vastly different requirements when it comes to building three-dimensional VR worlds, so the app's developer isn't able to offer standard subscription packages. Interested parties are encouraged to contact them for a free quote. The IVRESS/Player plug-in is free, so it should be easy to distribute any VR environment you create to your clients. Whether you need to study fluid dynamics or test experimental aircraft, IVRESS has a VR library that can help you create models in no time.

Parallel processing
Scale your productivity and reduce the simulation time by running the simulation on multiple processors. IVRESS can run different bodies simulation on different computer nodes, enabling the user to allocate more computing resources and get the job done!

Co-simulation capability
Integrate IVRESS in your current ecosystem. IVRESS can integrate with other MBD software to co-simulate MBD vehicles modeled on third-party software on a 3D terramechanics soft soil modeled in IVRESS. It gives the user the convenience of simulating an already existing vehicle model on an accurate predicting soft soil model in IVRESS.